Tips to avoid flare-ups due to psoriasis

1. Use moisturizing lotions The symptoms of Psoriasis worsen when the patient’s skin becomes dry. So always keep your skin moisturized with the help of creams and lotions. It is even better to use a thick lotion like petroleum jelly. You can check out our D-scale lotion promising a better remedy and treatment of psoriasis as well as to successfully avoid the flare-ups. 2. Eat healthy Eating healthy is a must whether you have psoriasis or not. But in this instance, it is more essential. You should intake plenty of water; fat-rich food like tuna, halibut, salmon, sardines, nuts, seeds; protein-rich food like fish, egg, pinto and chickpeas; as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoiding unhealthy food is equally important as eating healthy food. Along with the unhealthy food, avoid drinking and smoking. 3. Exercise Many studies suggest that excess weight makes the flare-ups worsen. So, continue exercising regularly to maintain your body in good form and preve...