
Empower Yourself with Ayurveda: Managing PCOS Naturally

  Ayurvedic medicine, also known as Ayurveda, is a whole body treatment method developed in India three thousand years ago. It is one of the world’s oldest holistic therapies, based on the belief that balance of mind, body and spirit brings health and wellbeing. Some women who have a diagnosis of a condition such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) may reconcile to Ayurveda.   What is PCOS? PCOS is a hormonal condition, usually seen in women in a reproductive state of life. Typical are high levels of androgen (male hormones) or a woman’s menstrual cycles being out of normal or prolonged rhythm. With PCOS your ovaries can make follicles (small fluid filled places) but they can’t release eggs in a regular rhythm.   What are the ayurvedic treatment of PCOS? Typically, Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS includes herbs, treatments, and diet. PCOS Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment Though the Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS varies with different practitioners, there is some use of some

Ayurvedic Medicine for PCOD: Balancing Your Health

  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOs) or commonly called polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is a hormonal disorder that prevails in women. It can affect your menstrual cycle, make you gain weight, develop acne, and even make it almost impossible to conceive, this can cause frustration and stress to women. Although there are many treatments provided by the modern medicine, Ayurveda presents you with a natural and more comprehensive way to control and maybe even beat PCOD and bring your body back to its natural state. In this guide, we will look at how Ayurvedic medicines for PCOD can assist you in taking charge of your health again.   What is PCOD and What are  Possible Causes?   PCOD is a condition, in which estrogen and progesterone are not in harmony and these are two hormones that help a woman’s menstrual cycle. Such an imbalance can cause problems with ovulation, and development of small cysts in the ovaries, and also irregular periods. Common symptoms of PCOD include: - Am

Effective Ayurvedic Medicine for PCOS Symptoms: A Natural Approach to Healing

  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complicated hormonal disorder involving millions of women around the world and is characterized by symptoms such as irregular menses, weight gain, acne, and infertility. Many women turn to natural alternatives for modern treatments like Ayurveda which offers a holistic and effective solution. Ayurvedic medicine for PCOS goes to the root cause of the problem thereby helping to rebalance the body. In this blog we look into how Ayurveda can relieve PCOS symptoms and bring out Nirmaan tablets, an Ayurvedic medication developed by Abhinav Healthcare that has shown promising results in managing PCOS. Understanding PCOS Symptoms and Causes Hormonal imbalances primarily involving insulin resistance, elevated levels of androgens including DHEAS and testosterone as well as abnormal functioning of ovaries are known to be responsible for PCOS. These imbalances lead to symptoms such as: ·          Irregular or absent menstrual cycles ·          Ex

Find Your Calm: Ayurvedic Medicine for Stress and Anxiety Relief

  In modern societies, most people face stress and anxiety issues in their daily lives, irrespective of their age or status. The deadline pressures, work-life conflicts, and noise are everywhere contributing to the high stress levels. However, imagine if there was a natural, time-tested way to restore calm and bring balance back into your life. Enter Ayurveda, a system of medicine that was developed in India thousands of years ago and that provides traditional remedies to manage stress and anxiety. Stress and Anxiety can be explained with the help of Ayurveda Ayurveda is a holistic science that originated on the Indian subcontinent more than 5,000 years ago it deals with all the aspects of human life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In Ayurvedic system of medicine, stress and anxiety are said to be due to the disharmony of the three vital energies, namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Any imbalance in these doshas would result in various physical and mental ailments inc

PMS Relief: Find What Works for You

  Introduction: PMS is a state experienced by many women whose symptoms show up within 1 to 2 weeks before the start of menstruation, and they revolve mostly around hormonal changes affecting physical, mental and emotional conditions. Identifying ideal therapies for PMS that would improve daily functioning, is also useful. This blog will address: natural and non-pharmacological approaches to treating PMS symptoms, which will be explained through recommendations on lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and other medicine for premenstrual syndrome . What is PMS? PMS is a hormonal disease that focuses on the fluctuations in levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones. Such hormonal changes have several effects on the body, including tender breasts, weight gain, mood swings, irritability, and constant fatigue. As for the present article, it is important to understand the origins of these symptoms in order to find the cure. Symptoms of PMS: PMS symptoms can vary widely but of

Quality You Can Trust: Best Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers for Your Health

  Introduction: In an increasingly nature-centric society, holistic remedies set Ayurvedic medicine apart from other healing systems. This word is derived from Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages in the world, and it means “knowledge of life”. This has led to several companies entering the market for ayurvedic products, making it crucial to know which ones have genuine high quality products. In this article post we will discuss about some of the best Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers and the quality and why these companies are good for your health. Conceptual Overview of Ayurvedic System of Healing: Ayurveda is based on the principles of balance and harmony in the body's energies, known as doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three basic doshas present in human body and each one of them has certain attributes. Physical characteristics are always related to a dosha and so also certain psychological traits. There are some disease treatments in form of Ayurvedic therapies such

Natural Relief: Ayurvedic Remedies for Vaginal Itchiness You Can Trust

Vaginal itching is a symptom that most women encounter at different stages of their lives, though it is rather shameful and painful. It can be caused by infections, hormonal changes, or various irritations affecting the skin. As there are many treatment procedures that have been developed in the contemporary world more and more women Buy Ayurveda Medicine for Vaginal Itchiness as a non-conventional method of dealing with this all too personal problem. The various cures for vaginal itching offered by Ayurvedic home remedies include those based on the tridosha theory. Understanding Vaginal Itchiness But before we proceed to the treatments, let us look at brief causes of an itchy vagina as follows. Common pronlems include: 1.        Yeast Infections: Candidiasis is an infection that occurs due to the proliferation of Candida which is a type of fungus that results in itchy skin rash. 2.        Bacterial Vaginosis: This proves that there is itchiness and abnormal discharge resu